All in Health & Wellness

6 Ways to Feel Safer During a Pandemic

Throughout the day, I’m productive and distracted enough to not let COVID-19 get into my head. But every night, about the time I would have normally gone to bed 4 weeks ago, my mind starts racing and I don’t know how to settle down enough to go to bed. Where I normally feel very safe and secure, lately I’ve been anxious and uncertain.

Coronavirus Inaction Plan

I’m not one to panic or even worry about much when it comes to safety and health, but this coronavirus stuff has me a bit on edge. I spent the last two days researching, creating policies, helping prep people for work at home and communicating procedures surrounding the pandemic. Top my week off with two trips to Kroger (usually my happy place) and I’m pretty damn exhausted.

Flip Flop Time

The sun came out today! And even though I had a video to finish editing this morning and three parties this afternoon and evening, I prioritized squeezing in a pedicure. I assumed the place would be packed, but when I got there and asked if they could take a walk-in the place was a ghost town.

Lazy Day Daze

Other than a 10am yoga class, I haven’t left my house and other than cooking some tuna noodle casserole, I’ve been essentially useless all day. By the way, I hadn’t had tuna noodle in like 3 years and only made it at Jason’t request, but it was really quite a delicious comfort food perfect for a lazy day. I’m sure the carb and at overload isn’t helping my energy levels.

Cross Country

Because of my own struggles with fitness, it’s unexplainable that I agreed to train for the Columbus Marathon with my bff, Molly. Sure, we were raising money for Leukemia Lymphoma Society (my mom’s a Lymphoma survivor and her dad succumbed to Leukemia) and the race was the day after I turned 30, but it still seemed like an unattainable goal. Speaking of goals, I frequently joked throughout training that I just didn’t want to be last place.

Week Twelve - Walk This Way

I’m down two more pounds this week and while it’s great to be at 15 total lost, I’ve decided the weekly weigh-ins are a bit too frequent. I want to focus my energy on growing my strength and stamina and measuring my progress through how my clothes fit and how I feel.