All tagged Blogtober

What Goals?

Birthday months are for reflection and goal setting so I started October off with a list of three goals, all of which are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound). As usual, I bit off a bit more than I can chew, mostly because I ignored the fact that I’d also be on vacation one week out of this month. To top it off, I failed to leave wiggle room for those times when life gets in the way.

Practice Makes Perfect?

I was about 9 when my parents bought me an old upright piano and agreed to weekly lessons. Up to that point, most things I tried came pretty easy to me. I excelled at reading, buzzing through Dick and Jane books with ease and by that age I was able to follow a recipe well enough to bake brownies from scratch. I’m sure I assumed piano would be similar especially since my first grade teacher, Mrs. Cabrera, was also my piano teacher.

Help, Please?

Not gonna lie, Blogtober (31 posts in the 31 days of October) is kicking my ass. I’m working on two big work projects and I just realized it’s 11:38pm. I’m just now starting my daily post, so this is going to a short and sweet plea for your help.


October is here!

By all accounts, yes ALL, October is the best month out of the year. Why, you ask? Well, I’ll tell you, but first I’m going to share my goals for this month.