All in Career

Practicing Storyteller

It recently occurred to me that I will not ever be a mechanic. Or a viola player. Or an accountant. Or an engineer. Or a clown. I’m 100% okay with the clown thing, but the rest? I think it would be interesting to learn more about so many things. But unless I figure out how to live 500 lifetimes, I don’t foresee diesel mechanic happening any time soon. 

How to Achieve Browser Tab Zero

The article intrigues me, but I don’t want to get distracted form the task at hand—my followers are demanding more pickle recipes, damn it! The solution? I pause for a moment, right click and select Open Link in New Browser Window. The result? I end up with way more windows open than are sensible or easily navigated.

Rejection Sucks

Professionally, I’ve felt the sting of rejection more times than I can count. Anybody who has applied for more than two jobs online knows how disheartening the auto-reply ‘thanks, but no thanks’ email can be, especially when it comes moments after submitting. Even worse, speaking with a recruiter who says they’ll be in touch to schedule an interview and then they disappear off the face of the earth is confusing and disappointing. 

So Damn Busy

Think back to the last time someone asked you how you were doing. What was your response? I’d be willing to bet your answer was something along the lines of, “Great, but busy…” or “Tired! There are not enough hours in the day…”

Fighting Traffic

Other than the predictable, steady income, I find nothing appealing about the traditional approach to work. As I’m seeing moderate amounts of success in the gig economy, I’m more and more confident I can build my business to be stable and with more diversified income streams than relying one full-time employer.

Have I Been Falling to Pieces?

I couldn’t have imagined when Harry pulled that box out of the closet just how deep I would go with this. As my mind got lost in the world of that tractor, I was able to sort through the anxieties, let them go and formulate ways to get back on track. I completely forgot the value in not thinking about my problems in order to solve my problems.

Exploit Me, Baby

Ultimately, I lost sight of the transactional nature of work. I actually believed my employer cared about me beyond what I could provide for them. In good faith, I gave my all. I dedicated myself to the companies I worked for and expected more in return than they were willing to give, even if they said otherwise.

Fake it 'til...

For decades I assumed most of the people around me had everything figured out—they knew more than me about school, work, relationships and life in general. To survive, I lived and died by fake it ‘til you make it.

Coffee Talk with Mollie Braun

Reconnecting with a person from my distant past was a great way to tap into who Mollie Braun was. It also reminded me that I’m nowhere near who or what I thought I’d be at this point in my life. And maybe that’s a good thing.